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This page describes potential tasks for collaborators.

  1. BriCA Core
    The development of the BriCA Core.
    To be consulted.
  2. BriCA Language
    The specification available.
  3. Machine Learning API Interface
    To be consulted.
  4. Simulation Environment
    • PyGazebo based environment
      Creating maze environments for rodent-level WBAs with PyGazebo for BriCA.
      • Making a maze (one already available)
      • Making a sample agent with BriCA in a maze
  5. Creating WBA with BriCA
    • Seed WBA
      Functional WBAs for the referential purpose.
      A possible idea is to make something functional based on the CCN book.
    • Casual WBA
      Any functional architecture combining machine learning modules with BriCA
      cf. Hackathon 2015.
brica-related_tasks.1446094178.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2015/10/29 13:49 by n.arakawa