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Brain Information Flow Diagram (BIF)

WBAI released the manual for preparing Brain Reference Architecture (BRA) as the standard notation for guiding the development of brain-inspired software. BRA is design data based on the mesoscopic anatomical structure of the brain, providing mainly structural specifications for software as well as functional hypotheses and neural phenomena [1].

  • BRA Data Preparation Manual

A concrete example of BRA data has also been released. It is a pre-screening version* of the BRA data associated with the article [2] that describes navigation functions of the hippocampal formation. (* The official version will be released after an examination by WBAI.)

  • Hippocampal formation BRA data (pre-screening version): HPF.bra

BRA data plays a central role in “BRA-driven development” that embodies the whole-brain architecture approach promoted by WBAI to construct artificial general intelligence (AGI).

In the near future, accumulating BRA data for the entire brain in line with the spirit of CUDOS (*1) will made possible to promote the open development of AGI inspired by the brain. We believe that this will contribute to the realization of our vision of “creating a world in which AI exists in harmony with humanity.”

*1 CUDOS is an acronym for Communalism, Universalism, Disinterestedness, and Organized Skepticism, which are the ethos of the scientific community advocated by R. K. Merton.


  • [1] Yamakawa, H. (2021). The whole brain architecture approach: Accelerating the development of artificial general intelligence by referring to the brain. In arXiv [cs.AI]. arXiv.
  • [2] Taniguchi, A., Fukawa, A., & Yamakawa, H. (2021). Hippocampal formation-inspired probabilistic generative model. In arXiv [cs.AI]. arXiv.
brain_reference_architecture.1623653489.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/06/14 15:51 by ymkw