Call for Participation: 2nd WBA Dyslexia Hands-on


The Whole Brain Architecture Initiative (WBAI) is an NPO supporting the realization of artificial general intelligence for human society over the long term.

WBAI has various activities to promote AGI research by learning from the brain.

In September 2018, WBAI held a hands-on with the theme “dyslexia and the brain.”  The second hands-on will cover ‘deep dyslexia,’ which presents symptoms regarding meaning. For example, while mistaking “symphony” as “sympathy” is of phonology or vision, if you mistake “symphony” as “orchestra,” it is a mistake in meaning. Exploring the mechanism of semantic misreading can be an effective way for inferring our knowledge structure.

In this hands-on, we aim at thinking about the brains of both healthy people and brain-injured patients by simulating a model that implements the structure and nature of meaning after the symptoms of dyslexia.  It will be a milestone for elucidating the whole brain architecture by casting light on the language function, which only human beings acquired in the evolution.

Event Information

  • Date: March 21, 2019 (Thursday, Spring Equinox Day) 11: 00-16: 00
  • Location: φ cafe
    Hongo 5 – chome, Bunkyo ku, Tokyo 5 Kadokawa Hongo building, 6th floor
  • Theme: ‘Deep Dyslexia’
  • Application: please contact Dr. Asakawa (see below) by March 20, 2019.
  • Cost: No fee for attendance, while participation may incur travel expenses.
  • Requirements
    • Interested in human intelligence and machine
    • Those who can bring your own laptop computer (BYOD)
      The environment will be provided on Google Colaboratory (on cloud).
      (Recommended browser: Chrome)
  • Executive Committee:
    • Jun Muto (Fujita Health University & Dept. of Neurosurgery, Keio University)
    • Shin’ichi Asakawa (Tokyo Women’s University)
  • Supervisors:
    • Sachiyo Muranishi (Kimitsu Chuo Hospital Linguistic Clinic)
    • Daisuke Furukawa (Kimitsu Chuo Hospital Linguistic Clinic)
    • Yohei Ozeki (Waseda University/Riken AIP)
    • Computational Psycholinguistics Tokyo (CPT)
  • Contact: Shin’ichi Asakawa (