Call for Data and Paper: The First International Workshop on Whole Brain Architecture

Aim and Scope

For reproducing the remarkable problem-solving abilities of humans, constructing brain-inspired artificial intelligence, in which we understand and simulate the computational functions of the brain, is a promising approach. This approach requires knowledge from a wide range of research fields, including neuro- and cognitive sciences. To design brain-inspired AI, it is vital to accumulate and share standardized design information as open knowledge, given the amount of knowledge is vast. Therefore, we will hold the first international workshop for cooperation and sharing of standardized design information (BRA data) for developing brain-inspired artificial intelligence. Another purpose of this workshop is to clarify the academic value of the submitted data sets through the sharing and expert discussion of the data and supplementary papers.

 We call for BRA data and paper submission for this workshop. Submitted data and paper were reviewed and accepted data will be published on a portal site called BRA Editorial System  (BRAES). The papers shall be registered at a preprint server and their DOIs will be submitted to BRAES. The DOIs will be shared on the program page of the workshop. We hope that the sharing and integration of brain-inspired AI design information will contribute to the development of this field. We look forward to your submission of BRA data and papers.

Date and location:

  • Date: 16th July 2024 (Tue.) 18:00 (JST)
  • Online

Important Dates

  • 10th May 2024
    • Data submission deadline (*1) 
  • 7th June 2024
    • Revised data submission deadline
  • 21th June 2024
    • Paper DOI submission deadline

*1. The submitted data will be reviewed.


Data submission

Data include BRA data and Graphic data (HCD Image/FRG Image).

Paper DOI submission

When your BRA data will be accepted, you are required to submit a paper DOI.

The paper should be written in accordance with the following guidelines.

  • The following template (TeX) should be used:
    • Template for International Symposium on Whole Brain Architecture (TBA) 
  • No page limit
  • It should be written in English.
  • It should be submitted to Jxiv.
    • The doi published on Jxiv is required at the time of paper DOI submission.
      • Note: it takes time to publish on Jxiv so submission to Jxiv should be done as early as possible. 
    • To post to Jxiv, you need to register with researchmap or ORCID. Please check the Jxiv terms, guidelines, and manual in advance.
  • We provide the platform BRAES (BRA Editorial System) for data submission, data review and sharing the accepted data. Please submit your data and paper from the BRAES submission page shown below.


People who post data automatically get registered.

Registration information for the audience will be provided around mid-June.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or troubles.

BRA support team: