On Partnership on AI

The exciting news has been announced that Amazon, DeepMind/Google, Facebook, IBM and Microsoft have established the non-profit organization, Partnership on AI. This seems to result from the recent worldwide movement that urges us to rapidly recognize the short- and long-term benefits and risks which AI would bring to human society.

WBAI sincerely welcomes this epoch-making partnership that these five industrial leaders created for promoting best practices on AI technologies to people and society, and passionately advancing public understanding of the technologies and the concerns they potentially cause.

We also see activities sharing similar concerns in organizations such as OpenAI, Future of Life Institute, and AI for Good overseas, and the JSAI ethics committee, AIR, and Ristex, domestically. We also share their concerns and objectives with our activities at WBAI.

We believe that “diversity” is the source that makes our society more prosperous and resilient. And we wish that diverse discussions will happen in various fields by incorporating different perspectives. It allows us to build a robust foundation of more advanced civilization on a long term basis. In order to accomplish the goal of establishing “open R&D communities contributing to people and society” as stated in our vision, we strongly promote more progress in public understanding of AI technologies and the development of the brain-like cognitive architecture. We will keep watching this exciting movement and try to make collaboration with the Partnership on AI depending on circumstances.