The First International Whole Brain Architecture Workshop

News from WBAI
July 16, 2024, On-line


Welcome to the 1st International Whole Brain Architecture Workshop, held online on July 16, 2024!

Building brain-inspired artificial intelligence is a promising approach to engineering human-like problem-solving abilities. To achieve this, it is essential to understand and mimic the computational functions of the brain. This endeavor requires knowledge from various fields, including neuroscience and cognitive science.

This workshop is the first in a workshop series to promote the disclosure, sharing, and integration of information on BRA data and data papers in standardized data formats. Through expert discussions on the data, the workshop is expected to contribute to the development of this field by clarifying the academic value of the data and deepening the understanding of the applicability of BRA data by gathering researchers from various fields. We look forward to your active submission of BRA data and data papers and your participation in the workshop.

Important Dates

  • Data submission deadline: 10th May 2024
  • Revised data submission deadline:  7th June 2024 22th June 2024(Extended)
  • Paper DOI submission deadline: 21st June 2024 28th June 2024(Extended)
  • Workshop Date: Tuesday, July 16, 2024, 18:00 (JST) (On-line)


1. Keynote Talk

  • Talk title:
    • Digital Brain Project of Brain/MINDS 2.0
  • Speaker:
    • Kenji Doya (Neural Computation Unit, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University)
  • Biography:
    • Kenji Doya is a Professor of Neural Computation Unit, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) Graduate University. He studies reinforcement learning and probabilistic inference, and how they are realized in the brain. He took his PhD in 1991 at the University of Tokyo, worked as a postdoc at U. C. San Diego and the Salk Institute, and joined Advanced Telecommunications Research International (ATR) in 1994. In 2004, he was appointed as a Principal Investigator of the OIST Initial Research Project and as OIST established itself as a Graduate University in 2011, he became a Professor and served as the Vice Provost for Research till 2014. He served as a Co-Editor in Chief of Neural Networks from 2008 to 2021 and the Chairperson of Neuro2022 in Okinawa, and currently serves as the President of Japanese Neural Network Society (JNNS). He received INNS Donald O. Hebb Award in 2018, JNNS Academic Award and APNNS Outstanding Achievement Award in 2019, and the age-group 2nd place at Ironman Malaysia in 2022.
    • profile link:

2. General Programs

  • 18:00-18:10 Welcome and Opening Remarks ( Video )
  • 18:10-19:00 Keynote Talk ( Video )
  • 19:00-19:10 Guide for audiences ( Video )
  • 19:10-19:20 Break
  • 19:20-20:40 Oral Presentations ( Video )
    • 19:20-19:40   Yudai Suzuki, Yoshiko Honda, Shinya Ohara, Ayako Fukawa, Hiroshi Yamakawa : Data for Brain Reference Architecture of YS24LongitudinallySegmentedDistalCA1andPeriphery ( Slidedata and paper )
    • 19:40-20:00   Yohei Maruyama, Tatsuya Miyamoto, Yoshimasa Tawatsuji, Hiroshi Yamakawa: Data for Brain Reference Architecture of YM24Amygdala ( Slide / data and paper )
    • 20:00-20:20   Nayuta Mizuguchi, Yoshimasa Tawatsuji, Hiroshi Yamakawa: Data for Brain Reference Architecture of NM24VestibuloOcularReflex ( Slidedata and paper )
    • 20:20-20:40   Takeshi Nakashima, Akira Taniguchi, Ayako Fukawa, Hiroshi Yamakawa: Data for Brain Reference Architecture of TN24HippocampalFormation ( Slide data and paper )
  • 20:40-21:00 Tutorial for BRA data construction ( Video )
  • 21:00-21:03 Closing ( Video )

3. Tutorial

  • Tutorial title:
    • Tutorial for BRA data construction
  • Speaker
    • Yoshimasa Tawatsuji (The University of Tokyo, The Whole Brain Architecture Initiative)

Chairs & Committees

General Co-Chairs

  • Program Chair: Yoshimasa Tawatsuji (The University of Tokyo, The Whole Brain Architecture Initiative)
  • Executive Chair: Hiroshi Yamakawa (The Whole Brain Architecture Initiative)


  • Shinichi Asakawa (Tokyo Woman’s Christian University)
  • Yuta Ashihara (Nihon University)
  • Naoya Arakawa (The Whole Brain Architecture Initiative)
  • Ryutaro Ichise (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
  • Takashi Omori (Tamagawa University)
  • Koichi Takahashi (RIKEN)
  • Yasuhiro Tanaka (Tamagawa University)
  • Ken Nakae (National Institutes of Natural Sciences)
  • Yoshiko Honda (Tokyo Women’s Medical University)

Call for Data and Papers

The registration for BRA data is closed, and we are accepting submissions of data papers describing the registered BRA data (deadline: June 21, 2024). Data papers should correspond to the accepted BRA data and must be registered on a preprint server before submitting the DOI through the workshop’s submission site. The DOIs of the registered data papers will be published on the workshop’s program page (to be announced later). For more details on submitting data papers, please refer to the Data Submission Call page.
*Submission review site:  BRA Editorial System  (BRAES)   [WBA Wiki]

Attendees (Free Admission)

  1.  Please apply using the form below.
    First International WBA Workshop Registration Form
  2. On the day before and the day of the event, you will receive a notification with the registration information (URL) for the Zoom meeting.
  3. Once you have completed your registration, you will receive an email from the host, WBAI (, containing the Zoom link for accessing the workshop on the event day.
  4. If this is your first time participating in a Zoom meeting, please install the desktop application on your device in advance. You can also join from a web browser without using the desktop application.
  5. When the workshop is about to start, please click on the participation URL sent to you after registration and access Zoom.

*Submitters are automatically registered for participation.

Peer review criteria

The peer review of data papers is conducted based on the following criteria.

  1. Comprehensibility: The content of the paper is clearly and concisely written, making it easy for readers to understand.
  2. Reproducibility: The methods for data collection, processing, and analysis are described in detail, allowing other researchers to reproduce the same results.
  3. Transparency: The process of constructing the dataset and the tools and techniques used are thoroughly explained, making the entire research process clear.


Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or troubles.
BRA support team: