- WBAI Wiki
- 2024
- Technology Roadmap Toward the Completion of Whole-Brain Architecture with Bra-Driven Development
- Hippocampal Formation-Inspired Global Self-Localization: Quick Recovery from the Kidnapped Robot Problem from an Egocentric Perspective
- Brain-Consistent Architecture for Imagination
- The First WBA Workshop Data Papers
- 2023
- BRAES: Developing Brain Reference Architecture Editorial System for Accumulating Hypotheses on Neural Functionality
- Proposal of an Extensive SCID method for reverse engineering a wide range of brain regions
- BDBRA: Database for extracting descriptions of neural projections and brain regions from neuroscience literature with dialogue prompts
- 2022
- Whole brain Probabilistic Generative Model toward Realizing Cognitive Architecture for Developmental Robots [arXiv in 2021]
- Hippocampal formation-inspired probabilistic generative model [arXiv in 2021]
- Brain-inspired probabilistic generative model for double articulation analysis of spoken language
- Poster: The great crossword: Potential for rapid progress in understanding the function of the entire brain
- 2021
- 2020
- 2019
- Consciousness Boundary: Claustrum defines the imaginary area of the cortex
- Consciousness for realize general intelligence in the brain – Modal information is needed for episode –
- Which parts of the brain circuit are responsible for attentional mechanisms in machine learning? poster at SNL-2019
- Peacekeeping Conditions for an Artificial Intelligence Society
- Socially Beneficial Agents with Biologically Inspired Artificial Intelligence, a presentation @ the AI to Bridge Borders Conference
- Macro Action Reinforcement Learning with Sequence Disentanglement using Variational Autoencoder
- FAVAE: Sequence Disentanglement using Information Bottleneck Principle
- 2018
- Whole brain connectomic architecture to develop general artificial intelligence
- Construction of a functional hypothesis about local brain circuit by integrating neuroscientific knowledge as a framework. Poster at AINI2018
- Connectome informatics: reverse engineering of whole brain networks. Poster at AINI2018
- Function Map-Driven Development for AGI (BICA 2018)
- Hierarchical Variational Recurrent Autoencoder with Top-Down prediction (poster) (Joint symposium of 10th Optogenetics Research Conference and Second International Symposium on Brain Information Dynamics 2018)
- WBA Symposium at the 28th Annual Conference of the Japanese Neural Network (JNNS2018; The proceedings are available here.)
- Strategy to Build Beneficial General-Purpose Intelligence Inspired by Brain (Slides)
- BriCA Kernel: Cognitive Computing Platform for Large-scale Distributed Memory Environments
- Development of Biologically Inspired Artificial General Intelligence Navigated by Circuits Associated with Tasks
- Do top-down predictions of time series lead to sparse disentanglement?
- Visualization of Morphism Tuples of Equivalence Structures
- 2017
- Whole brain connectomic architecture to develop general artificial intelligence (BICA2017)
- Reinterpreting The Cortical Circuit (paper | slides) (AGA 2017: IJCAI Workshop on Architectures for Generality & Autonomy)
- 2016
- Whole Brain Architecture Approach Is a Feasible Way Toward an Artificial General Intelligence, in Proc. of ICONIP 2016
- The Whole Brain Architecture Initiative, in Proc. of ICONIP 2016
The full text: This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in ICONIP 2016: Neural Information Processing pp. 316-323. The final authenticated version is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-46687-3_35. - Realizing Linguistic Functions via the Whole Brain Architecture Approach
- 2015